Tuesday, May 31, 2011

[Tools] HVite for alignment

When using HVite to do the alignment, we need the option '-a'. One thing to be careful is, Don't use '-w' for alignment!!!!

Otherwise, it will load the network from '-w' not '-a', and then recognition is carried out instead of alignment, even though you put '-a' there!


HVite -A -D -V -T 1 -X rec -l '*' -o SW -a -m -f -X lab -y lab -H ${exppath}/hmm648/MMF -C ${exppath}/cfgs/hvite.cfg -t 250.0 -s 4.0 -p -10.0 -w ${libpath}/lms/bigram_lat -I ${libpath}/mlabs/test_mono61_label.mlf -i ${exppath}/hmm648/test_mono61_alnlab.mlf -S ${libpath}/flists/testfull_mfcc.scp ${libpath}/dicts/mono61.dct ${libpath}/mlists/mono61.lst


HVite -A -D -V -T 1 -X rec -l '*' -o SW -a -m -f -X lab -y lab -H ${exppath}/hmm648/MMF -C ${exppath}/cfgs/hvite.cfg -t 250.0 -I ${libpath}/mlabs/test_mono61_label.mlf -i ${exppath}/hmm648/test_mono61_alnlab.mlf -S ${libpath}/flists/testfull_mfcc.scp ${libpath}/dicts/mono61.dct ${libpath}/mlists/mono61.lst

Posted via email from Troy's posterous

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

[Tools] Compiling Matlab .m Files

From: http://pages.stern.nyu.edu/~nwhite/scrc/CompilingMatlab.htm

Compiling Matlab .m Files

Norman White, November 2006



Matlab allows users to compile their matlab programs into executable images that can be run anywhere without license restrictions. This is particularly useful in a grid computing environment like Stern's, where a user may want to run many jobs at the same time, but be limited by matlab and toolbox license constraints. Until recently, the matlab compiler was difficult to use, but in a recent release, Matlab 73 (2006b), it has been significantly improved. The information below will show you how to convert your matlab .m files into matlab executables.


1) ssh to rnd.

That is where the matlab compiler lives. Since we have many linux nodes and only one Sun Solaris node, it makes sense to generate an intel linux executable. We only have a single user license, but that should be enough, since you only have to compile once. Note, that every time you compile,  matlab will lock the compiler license for 30 minutes. You can continue to use it, but a new user will have to wait for 30 minutes after you have finished.


            a) Edit your matlab.m file and turn it into a function. This can be done by putting

            function myfun

            statement as the first line.


         b) Type (You only need to do this once)

            mbuild  -setup

            to initialize the matlab compile environment.


         c) If you have any matlab.m

         files that are called by your main matlab file, make sure they are on the path, or in the directory

        you are compiling matlab in (For instance, if you have some matlab files in a directory call mylib, execute the following command before compiling).


        Export PATH="myfile:$PATH".


         Note that matlab is going to compile ALL of the matlab code that is needed to run your program, including matlab toolboxes.


            d) Compile the program by typing

            mcc -m mymatjob.m

            This should grind along for a few minutes and hopefully complete with no errors.

            When it is done, there will be an executable file named myfun in your directory. It         

            can now be run on any node that has access to the matlab libraries. To make sure         

            your job runs on the appropriate nodes, add a


            #$ -l matcomp=1

            line to your shell script that will run the program (see below)


2)  Create a shell script that will setup the libraries needed to run and will invoke your program.


            Create a shell script that looks like this.


            #! /bin/sh

            # Name: myfun.sh

            # Run myfun compiled program


            # Set up matlab LD_LIBRARY_PATH


            # Then run your program



            and then save it as myfun.sh. After saving it, make sure it is readable and            executable by others by typing

            chmod o+r myfun.sh


3) Create the Sun Grid Engine shell script to run the program. Here is an example:


            #! /bin/sh

            # Name:  Runmyfun.sh

            #$ -N Runmyfun.sh

            #$ -l matcomp=1

            #$ -l h_cpu=10:00:00        (Optional, put your cpu requirements here)

            #$ -l h_vmem=1000m    (This is optional, put your memory requirements here).

            #     Now run the program

            /bin/sh myfun.sh


            Save the program as Runmyfun.sh, and then

            chmod o+rx Runmyfun.sh


            4) Submit the job..

            qsub -t 1-300 Runmyfun.sh


This will run the job on as many nodes as are available, but not take up ANY matlab licenses (not matlab or toolboxes). The toolbox .m files will already be compiled into your code.  For instance, we only have two optimization toolbox license. So you could only run your code on two systems at a time, instead of 10.


This same code can also be run on almost any grid computing environment, just by moving the executable file and a few other files. Again, no need for a matlab license.


Have fun�




Posted via email from Troy's posterous

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

[ASR] A complete Matlab script for TIMIT phoneme recognition

% HTK-TIMIT Phone Recognition % Tae-Jin Yoon % tyoon@uvic.ca % % The script is taken from somewhere on the web, which is now defunct. % I modified the script to run on my Windows Vista computer. % So, to run this you need to have a TIMIT corpus and need to change the % configuration that are specific to my computer. % I resampled the sampling rate of the TIMIT corpus to 16kHz. htkdir = ['c:\MATLAB\R2008a\work\htk\']; homedir = ['c:\work\timit\htk\']; traindir = ['c:\work\timit\TIMIT\train\']; testdir = ['c:\work\timit\TIMIT\test\']; eval(['!']); eval(['!mkdir label']); eval(['!mkdir mfcc']); eval(['!mkdir model']); for i=0:23 eval(['!mkdir model\hmm', num2str(i)]) end %% Make a gram file and rune HParse disp('make a gram file'); fid = fopen('gram', 'w'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', ['$beginend = h#;']); fprintf(fid, '%s', ['$phone = bcl | b | dcl | d | gcl | g | pcl | p | tcl | t | kcl | k | ']); fprintf(fid, '%s', ['dx | q | jh | ch | s | sh | z | zh | f | th | v | dh | m | n | ng | em | en | eng | ']); fprintf(fid, '%s', ['nx | l | r | w | y | hh | hv | el | ']); fprintf(fid, '%s', ['iy | ih | eh | ey | ae | aa | aw | ay | ah | ao | oy | ow | ']); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', ['uh | uw | ux | er | ax | ix | axr | ax-h | pau | epi;']); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', ['($beginend <$phone> $beginend)']); fclose(fid); %input('Press enter to continue'); eval(['!c:\MATLAB\R2008a\work\htk\HParse.exe -T 1 gram wdnet']); disp('Make a monophones0 file. The file contains phone symobls'); fid = fopen('monophones0', 'w'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'b'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'd'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'g'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'p'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 't'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'k'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'dx'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'q'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'jh'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'ch'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 's'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'sh'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'z'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'zh'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'f'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'th'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'v'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'dh'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'm'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'n'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'ng'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'em'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'en'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'eng'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'nx'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'l'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'r'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'w'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'y'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'hh'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'hv'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'el'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'iy'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'ih'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'eh'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'ey'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'ae'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'aa'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'aw'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'ay'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'ah'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'ao'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'oy'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'ow'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'uh'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'uw'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'ux'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'er'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'ax'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'ix'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'axr'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'ax-h'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'bcl'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'dcl'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'gcl'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'pcl'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'tcl'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'kcl'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'pau'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'epi'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', 'h#'); fclose(fid) %% PREPARING TRAINING DATA %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% fid1 = fopen('codetr.scp', 'w'); fid2 = fopen('train.scp', 'w'); %fid3 = fopen('fname.praat', 'w'); for n0=1:8 D = dir([traindir, 'DR', num2str(n0)]); for n1=3:size(D,1) D2 = dir([traindir, 'DR', num2str(n0),'\',D(n1).name,'\*.wav']); D3 = dir([traindir, 'DR', num2str(n0),'\',D(n1).name, '\*.phn']); for n2 = 1:size(D2,1) filename = [traindir, 'DR', num2str(n0), '\', D(n1).name, '\' D2(n2).name]; % fprintf(fid3, '%s\n', ['Read from file... ', filename]); % fprintf(fid3, '%s\n', ['Write to WAV file... ', filename]); % fprintf(fid3, '%s\n', 'Remove'); handdefname = [traindir, 'DR', num2str(n0), '\',D(n1).name, '\' D3(n2).name]; newfname=D2(n2).name; newfname=[newfname(1:end-4) '_tr.mfc']; mfcfname = [homedir, 'mfcc\', 'DR', num2str(n0), '_', D(n1).name, '_', newfname]; fprintf(fid1, '%s\n', [filename, ' ', mfcfname]); fprintf(fid2, '%s\n', mfcfname); newlname = D3(n2).name; newlname = [newlname(1:end-4) '_tr.lab']; labfname = [homedir, 'label\', 'DR', num2str(n0), '_', D(n1).name, '_', newlname]; eval(['!copy ', handdefname, ' ', labfname]); end end end fclose(fid1); fclose(fid2); % fclose(fid3); disp('The original TIMIT wav files need to be converted to MSWAVE file format'); disp('Make a praat script'); input('Press enter to continue'); %% PREPARE TIMIT configuration file & run HCopy fid = fopen('configTIMIT', 'w'); fprintf(fid, '%s\d', ['SOURCEKIND = WAVEFORM']); fprintf(fid, '%s\d', ['SOURCEFORMAT = WAV']); fprintf(fid, '%s\d', ['SOURCERATE = 625']); fprintf(fid, '%s\d', ['TARGETKIND = MFCC_0_D_A']); fprintf(fid, '%s\d', ['TARGETRATE = 100000.0']); fprintf(fid, '%s\d', ['WINDOWSIZE = 250000.0']); fprintf(fid, '%s\d', ['USEHAMMING = T']); fprintf(fid, '%s\d', ['PREEMCOEF = 0.97']); fprintf(fid, '%s\d', ['NUMCHANS = 20']); fprintf(fid, '%s\d', ['CEPLIFTER = 22']); fprintf(fid, '%s\d', ['NUMCEPS = 12']); fclose(fid); eval(['!c:\MATLAB\R2008a\work\htk\HCopy.exe -T 1 -C configTIMIT -S codetr.scp']); %% PREPARING TESTING DATA %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% fid1 = fopen('codete.scp', 'w'); fid2 = fopen('test.scp', 'w'); %fid3 = fopen('test.praat', 'w'); for n0 = 1:8 D = dir([testdir, 'DR', num2str(n0)]); for n1 = 3:size(D, 1) D2 = dir([testdir, 'DR', num2str(n0), '\', D(n1).name, '\*.wav']); D3 = dir([testdir, 'DR', num2str(n0), '\', D(n1).name, '\*.phn']); %#%disp(D2(n1).name); for n2 = 1:size(D2, 1) filename=[testdir, 'DR', num2str(n0), '\', D(n1).name, '\' D2(n2).name]; % fprintf(fid3, '%s\n', ['Read from file... ', filename]); % fprintf(fid3, '%s\n', ['Write to WAV file... ', filename]); % fprintf(fid3, '%s\n', 'Remove'); handdefname = [testdir, 'DR', num2str(n0), '\', D(n1).name, '\' D3(n2).name]; newfname = D2(n2).name; newfname=[newfname(1:end-4) '_te.mfc']; mfcfname = [homedir, 'mfcc\', 'DR', num2str(n0), '_', D(n1).name, '_', newfname]; fprintf(fid1, '%s\n', [filename, ' ', mfcfname]); fprintf(fid2, '%s\n', mfcfname); newlname = D3(n2).name; newlname = [newlname(1:end-4) '_te.lab']; labfname = [homedir, 'label\', 'DR', num2str(n0), '_', D(n1).name, '_', newlname]; eval(['!copy ', handdefname, ' ', labfname]); end end end fclose(fid1); fclose(fid2); % fclose(fid3); eval(['!c:\MATLAB\R2008a\work\htk\HCopy.exe -T 1 -C configTIMIT -S codete.scp']); %% PREPARE configuration file fid = fopen('config', 'w'); fprintf(fid, '%s\d', ['TARGETKIND = MFCC_0_D_A']); fprintf(fid, '%s\d', ['TARGETRATE = 100000.0']); fprintf(fid, '%s\d', ['WINDOWSIZE = 250000.0']); fprintf(fid, '%s\d', ['USEHAMMING = T']); fprintf(fid, '%s\d', ['PREEMCOEF = 0.97']); fprintf(fid, '%s\d', ['NUMCHANS = 20']); fprintf(fid, '%s\d', ['CEPLIFTER = 22']); fprintf(fid, '%s\d', ['NUMCEPS = 12']); fclose(fid) eval(['!c:\MATLAB\R2008a\work\htk\HCompV.exe -T 1 -C config -f 0.01 -m -S train.scp -M model/hmm0 proto']); disp('Make proto file'); fid = fopen('proto', 'w'); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', ['~o <VecSize> 39 <MFCC_0_D_A>']); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', ['~h "proto"']); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', ['<BeginHMM>']); fprintf(fid, '\t%s\n', ['<NumStates> 5']); fprintf(fid, '\t%s\n', ['<State> 2']); fprintf(fid, '\t\t%s\n', ['<Mean> 39']); fprintf(fid, '\t\t\t%s\n', ['0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0']); fprintf(fid, '\t\t%s\n', ['<Variance> 39']); fprintf(fid, '\t\t\t%s\n', ['1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1']); fprintf(fid, '\t%s\n', ['<State> 3']); fprintf(fid, '\t\t%s\n', ['<Mean> 39']); fprintf(fid, '\t\t\t%s\n', ['0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0']); fprintf(fid, '\t\t%s\n', ['<Variance> 39']); fprintf(fid, '\t\t\t%s\n', ['1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1']); fprintf(fid, '\t%s\n', ['<State> 4']); fprintf(fid, '\t\t%s\n', ['<Mean> 39']); fprintf(fid, '\t\t\t%s\n', ['0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0']); fprintf(fid, '\t\t%s\n', ['<Variance> 39']); fprintf(fid, '\t\t\t%s\n', ['1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1']); fprintf(fid, '\t%s\n', ['<TransP> 5']); fprintf(fid, '\t\t%s\n', ['0 1 0 0 0']); fprintf(fid, '\t\t%s\n', ['0 0.6 0.4 0 0']); fprintf(fid, '\t\t%s\n', ['0 0 0.6 0.4 0']); fprintf(fid, '\t\t%s\n', ['0 0 0 0.7 0.3']); fprintf(fid, '\t\t%s\n', ['0 0 0 0 0']); fprintf(fid, '%s\n', ['<EndHMM>']); fclose(fid) fid = fopen('model/hmm0/proto', 'r'); F = fread(fid); S = char(F'); SHMM = S( strfind(upper(S), '<BEGINHMM>') :end); S1st3 =S(1: strfind(S, '~h') -1); fclose(fid); fid = fopen('model/hmm0/vFloors', 'r'); F = fread(fid); SvFloors = char(F'); fclose(fid); fid = fopen('model/hmm0/macros', 'w'); fprintf(fid, S1st3); fprintf(fid, SvFloors); fclose(fid); fid1 = fopen('monophones0', 'r'); fid2 = fopen('model/hmm0/hmmdefs', 'w'); fid3 = fopen('dict', 'w'); fid4 = fopen('monophones1', 'w'); while 1 tline = fgetl(fid1); disp(tline); if ~ischar(tline) break; end fprintf(fid2, ['~h "', tline, '"\n']); fprintf(fid2, SHMM); fprintf(fid2, '\n'); fprintf(fid3, [tline, ' ', tline, '\n']); fprintf(fid4, [tline, '\n']); end fprintf(fid4,['!ENTER\n']); fprintf(fid4,['!EXIT\n']); fprintf(fid3,['!ENTER []\n']); fprintf(fid3,['!EXIT []\n']); fclose(fid1); fclose(fid2); fclose(fid3); fclose(fid4); % input('Press enter to continue'); fid1=fopen('phones0.mlf','w'); fid3=fopen('HLStatslist','w'); fprintf(fid1,'%s\n',['!#']); D=dir(['label/*tr.lab']); for n=1:size(D,1) fprintf(fid1,'%s\n',['"*/',D(n).name,'"']); fprintf(fid3,[D(n).name,'\n']); fid2=fopen(['label/',D(n).name],'r'); while 1 tline=fgetl(fid2); if ~ischar(tline) break; end; if (tline(1)=='#')|(tline(1)=='"') fprintf(fid1,'%s\n',tline); else Tmat=sscanf(tline,'%d %d %s'); Tstring=[char(Tmat(3:end))]'; fprintf(fid1,'%s\n',Tstring); end end fprintf(fid1,'%s\n','.'); fclose(fid2); end fprintf(fid1,'\n'); fclose(fid1); fclose(fid3); % input('Press enter to continue'); eval(['!c:\MATLAB\R2008a\work\htk\HLStats.exe -T 1 -b bigfn -o -I phones0.mlf monophones0 -S HLStatslist']); eval(['!c:\MATLAB\R2008a\work\htk\HBuild.exe -T 1 -n bigfn monophones1 outLatFile']); fid1 = fopen('testref.mlf','w'); fprintf(fid1, '%s\n', ['!#']); D = dir(['label/*te.lab']); for n = 1:size(D, 1) fprintf(fid1, '%s\n', ['"*\', D(n).name, '"']); fid2 = fopen(['label\', D(n).name], 'r') while 1 tline = fgetl(fid2); if ~ischar(tline) break; end if (tline(1) == '#') | (tline(1) == '"') fprintf(fid1, '%s\n', tline); else Tmat=sscanf(tline,'%d %d %s'); Tstring=[char(Tmat(3:end))]'; fprintf(fid1,'%s\n',Tstring); end end fprintf(fid1, '%s\n', '.'); fclose(fid2); end fprintf(fid1, '\n'); fclose(fid1); for i = 1:3 eval(['!c:\MATLAB\R2008a\work\htk\HERest.exe -T 1 -C config -I phones0.mlf -t 250.0 150.0 1000.0 -S train.scp -H model/hmm', num2str(i-1), '/macros -H model/hmm', num2str(i-1), '/hmmdefs -M model/hmm', num2str(i), ' monophones0']); end fid = fopen('sil.hed', 'w'); fprintf(fid, ['AT 2 4 0.2 {pau.transP}\n']); fprintf(fid, ['AT 4 2 0.2 {pau.transP}\n']); fprintf(fid, ['AT 2 4 0.2 {h#.transP}\n']); fprintf(fid, ['AT 4 2 0.2 {h#.transP}\n']); fclose(fid); eval(['!c:\MATLAB\R2008a\work\htk\HHEd.exe -T 1 -H model/hmm3/macros -H model/hmm3/hmmdefs -M model/hmm4 sil.hed monophones0']); for i = 5:7 eval(['!c:\MATLAB\R2008a\work\htk\HERest -T 1 -C config -I phones0.mlf -t 250.0 150.0 1000.0 -S train.scp -H model/hmm', num2str(i-1), '/macros -H model/hmm', num2str(i-1), '/hmmdefs -M model/hmm', num2str(i), ' monophones0']); end fid = fopen('MU2.hed', 'w'); fprintf(fid, ['MU 2 {*.state[2-4].mix}\n']); fclose(fid); eval(['!c:\MATLAB\R2008a\work\htk\HHEd.exe -T 1 -H model/hmm7/macros -H model/hmm7/hmmdefs -M model/hmm8 MU2.hed monophones0']); for i=9:11 eval(['!c:\MATLAB\R2008a\work\htk\HERest -T 1 -C config -I phones0.mlf -t 250.0 150.0 1000.0 -S train.scp -H model/hmm',num2str(i-1),'/macros -H model/hmm',num2str(i-1),'/hmmdefs -M model/hmm',num2str(i),' monophones0']); end fid=fopen('MU4.hed','w'); fprintf(fid,['MU 4 {*.state[2-4].mix}\n']); fclose(fid); %input('Press enter to continue'); eval(['!c:\MATLAB\R2008a\work\htk\HHEd.exe -T 1 -H model/hmm11/macros -H model/hmm11/hmmdefs -M model/hmm12 MU4.hed monophones0']); % input('Press enter to continue'); for i=13:15 eval(['!c:\MATLAB\R2008a\work\htk\HERest.exe -T 1 -C config -I phones0.mlf -t 250.0 150.0 1000.0 -S train.scp -H model/hmm',num2str(i-1),'/macros -H model/hmm',num2str(i-1),'/hmmdefs -M model/hmm',num2str(i),' monophones0']); end fid=fopen('MU8.hed','w'); fprintf(fid,['MU 8 {*.state[2-4].mix}\n']); fclose(fid); eval(['!c:\MATLAB\R2008a\work\htk\HHEd.exe -T 1 -H model/hmm15/macros -H model/hmm15/hmmdefs -M model/hmm16 MU8.hed monophones0']); for i=17:23 eval(['!c:\MATLAB\R2008a\work\htk\HERest.exe -T 1 -C config -I phones0.mlf -t 250.0 150.0 1000.0 -S train.scp -H model/hmm',num2str(i-1),'/macros -H model/hmm',num2str(i-1),'/hmmdefs -M model/hmm',num2str(i),' monophones0']); end eval(['!c:\MATLAB\R2008a\work\htk\HVite.exe -T 1 -H model/hmm23/macros -H model/hmm23/hmmdefs -S test.scp -i recout.mlf -w wdnet -p 0.0 -s 5.0 dict monophones0']); %input('Press enter to continue'); disp('With bigram language model:'); eval(['!c:\MATLAB\R2008a\work\htk\HVite.exe -T 1 -H model/hmm23/macros -H model/hmm23/hmmdefs -S test.scp -i recout_bigram.mlf -w outLatFile -p 0.0 -s 5.0 dict monophones0']); disp('Error occurs in recout.mlf'); disp('Need to change mfcc to label in recout.mlf'); disp('A hacky way using Vim:.,$,s/mfcc/label/g'); eval(['!c:\MATLAB\R2008a\work\htk\HResults.exe -T 1 -I testref.mlf monophones0 recout.mlf']); eval(['!c:\MATLAB\R2008a\work\htk\HResults.exe -T 1 -e n en -e aa ao -e ah ax-h -e ah ax -e ih ix -e l el -e sh zh -e uw ux -e er axr -e m em -e n nx -e ng eng -e hh hv -e pau pcl -e pau tcl -e pau kcl -e pau q -e pau bcl -e pau dcl -e pau gcl -e pau epi -e pau h# -I testref.mlf monophones0 recout.mlf']); %input('Press enter to continue'); % disp('With bigram language model:'); %eval(['!HResults -T 1 -I testref.mlf monophones0 recout_bigram.mlf']); % eval(['!c:\MATLAB\R2008a\work\htk\HResults -T 1 -e n en -e aa ao -e ah ax-h -e ah ax -e ih ix -e l el -e sh zh -e uw ux -e er axr -e m em -e n nx -e ng eng -e hh hv -e pau pcl -e pau tcl -e pau kcl -e pau q -e pau bcl -e pau dcl -e pau gcl -e pau epi -e pau h# -I testref.mlf monophones0 recout_bigram.mlf > results_bigram']);

Posted via email from Troy's posterous

Monday, May 16, 2011

[NN] NN output activations with cross entropy error function

NN_sigmoid_softmax.pdf Download this file

Binomial - sigmoid activation function;

Multinomial - softmax activation function.

The error functions are all cross entropy.

Posted via email from Troy's posterous

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

[Business] Business Plan Formating

We like business plans that present a lot of information in as few words as possible. The following format, within 15-20 slides, is all that’s needed:


  • Define the company/business in a single declarative sentence.


  • Describe the pain of the customer (or the customer’s customer).
  • Outline how the customer addresses the issue today.


  • Demonstrate your company’s value proposition to make the customer’s life better.
  • Show where your product physically sits.
  • Provide use cases.


  • Set-up the historical evolution of your category.
  • Define recent trends that make your solution possible.


  • Identify/profile the customer you cater to.
  • Calculate the TAM (top down), SAM (bottoms up) and SOM.


  • List competitors
  • List competitive advantages


  • Product line-up (form factor, functionality, features, architecture, intellectual property).
  • Development roadmap.


  • Revenue model
  • Pricing
  • Average account size and/or lifetime value
  • Sales & distribution model
  • Customer/pipeline list


  • Founders & Management
  • Board of Directors/Board of Advisors


  • P&L
  • Balance sheet
  • Cash flow
  • Cap table
  • The deal

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