Wednesday, June 8, 2011

[Matlab] staring error on Ubuntu - not found

MATLAB with Ubuntu 11.04

Under the new Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal), when you try and run MATLAB you'll get the following error

/matlab/bin/util/ 605: /lib64/ not found

To resolve this problem, go to a terminal window (Alt + F2 from anywhere) and type

For 64 bit:

sudo ln -s /lib64/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /lib64/


For 32 bit:

sudo ln -s /lib/i386-linux-gnu/ /lib/

This should restore the missing library that was uninstalled during the Ubuntu update process.


Posted via email from Troy's posterous

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

[CUDA] Solving the problem of not supporting gcc-4.5 and above

Here is what I usually do:
- in parallel to the current gcc version (currently 4.5.2 on Arch Linux), install an older one. Right now I have 4.3.4 and 4.4.4, available as "gcc-4.3" and "gcc-4.4".
- for each of these old compilers, create a folder, say /opt/gcc43 and /opt/gcc44, which contain symlinks to /usr/bin/g{cc,++}-4.{3,4} that are named "gcc" and "g++" without version numbers
- run nvcc with the --compiler-bindir option: "nvcc --compiler-bindir /opt/gcc44 $CUFLAGS ..."

Posted via email from Troy's posterous

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

[ASR] Langue model

HVite can only use bigram LM after converted to lattice format. 

When generate the bigram model, it should not be count based LM,i.e. not use "-x" in LBuild.


LBuild -T 1 -C lfof.cfg -c 2 0 -x -n 2 timitphns.0/wmap bg0c timitphns.0/gram.0


LBuild -T 1 -C lfof.cfg -c 2 0 -n 2 timitphns.0/wmap bg0c timitphns.0/gram.0

Otherwise, after converted to lattice, 

HBuild -n bigram -s "<s>" "</s>" word61.lst bigram_lat

HVite cannot work correctly. For my experiments, using the incorrect LM, the recognized results are all:

<s> cl cl cl cl cl cl .... cl cl cl cl </s>

Posted via email from Troy's posterous