Tuesday, March 10, 2009

To start with Ogre

Add "stdio.h" header file to the orge application can enable the command line promote to display the execution information.

Be careful about the namespaces!!!!

As many data structures in Ogre uses the Ogre namespace, if you want to use it, do remember to use the Ogre namespace!!!!!!!


Steps to start creating a project based Ogre:

1. Create an empty project.

2. In the project properities ( Make sure you are editing All Configurations):

a. OutputDirectory -> bin\$(ConfigurationName)

b. Intermediate Directory -> obj\$(ConfigurationName)

c. Debugging|Working Directory -> $(OutDir)

d. If for debug mode, Linker|Input -> OgreMain_d.lib OIS_d.lib CEGUIBase_d.lib OgreGUIRenderer_d.lib ode.lib

e. If for release mode, Linker|Input -> OgreMain.lib OIS.lib CEGUIBase.lib OgreGUIRenderer.lib ode.lib

f. Default, vs will organize the source files in filters, but in the project directory, they are all together not in separate folders. To show it in separate folders, in the Options|Project and Solutions|VC++ Project Settings|Solution Explorer Mode -> Show all files. And then you need to manually add folders such as src and include.

g. Copy the debug/release files in the Ogre sdk to your project's debug/release folder

h. Copy the media folder in the Ogre sdk to your project folder, modify it if necessary

Next begin your work!

Really a tedious way, however, I tried one afternoon to create a wizard to automate this process and I failed. Maybe just do it manually it not that bad...

1 comment:

  1. Ignore the step f. If using step f, extra settings are needed. Use VS2008's default filter mechanism.
