Sunday, May 17, 2009

Hit rate and False alarm rate



Verification measures
like the RMSE and the ACC will value equally the case of an event
being forecast, but not observed, as an event being observed but
not forecast. But in real life the failure to forecast a storm that
occurred will normally have more dramatic consequences than
forecasting a storm that did not occur. To assess the forecast
skill under these conditions another type of verifications must be

For any threshold (like
frost/no frost, rain/dry or gale/no gale) the forecast is
simplified to a yes/no statement (categorical forecast). The
observation itself is put in one of two categories (event
observed/not observed). Let H denote "hits", i.e. all correct
yes-forecasts - the event is predicted to occur and it does occur,
F false alarms, i.e. all incorrect yes-forecasts, M missed
forecasts (all incorrect no-forecasts that the event would not
occur) and Z all correct no-forecasts. Assume altogether N
forecasts of this type with H+F+M+W=N. A perfect forecast sample is
when F and M are zero. A large number of verification scores
13 are computed from
these four values.

A forecast/verification table



not obs




not forecast



The frequency bias
BIAS=(H+F)/(H+M), ratio of the yes forecast frequency to the yes
observation frequency.

The proportion of
correct PC=(H+Z)/N, gives the fraction of all the forecasts that
were correct. Usually it is very misleading because it credits
correct "yes" and "no" forecasts equally and it is strongly
influenced by the more common category (typically the "no"

The probability of
detection POD=H/(H+M), also known as Hit Rate (HR), measures the
fraction of observed events that were correctly forecast.

The false alarm ratio
FAR=F/(H+F), gives the fraction of forecast events that were
observed to be non events.

The probability of
false detection POFD=F/(Z+F), also known as the false alarm rate,
is the measure of false alarm given the vent did not occur. POFD is
generally associated with the evaluation of probabilistic forecast
by combining it with POD into the Relative Operating Characteristic
diagram (ROC)

A very simple measure of
success of categorical forecasts is the difference POD-FAR which is
known as the Hansen-Kuiper or True Skill Score. Among other
properties, it can be easily generalised for the verification of
probabilistic forecast (see 7.4 below).

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